To my friends in Israel and to Israel, my friend.

As I understand it, an article on my case has been published in Maariv today.

I haved dared to blog about the right for Israel to exist and about the attempts by Hamas, a terror organisation, to try to destroy Israel by means of aggressive war – jihad. In doing this I have made use of my constitutional right of expression and opinion.

The Swedish Government hold those same positions: Israel have a right to exist. Hamas is a terror organisation.

My employer did not, however, find it appropriate for me to hold these opinions and to express them publicly. I have, because of my opinions, been forced to leave my employment.

This employment was with the Swedish Migration Board, a governmental agency which as one of its major tasks has to protect foreigners from persecusion by granting them asylum in Sweden, for instance because they have expressed their political opinions publicly.

But the Migration Board now seem to persecute me, an employee, contrary to its major task, because I have expressed political opinions shared by the Swedish government!

They do this also in refusal to adhere to a verdict by a Swedish court, which ruled to reinstall me in my employment.

I have received many messages from Israel in support of my case. I would like to thank all of you very much! But this case is not really about me. It deals with the right for Israel to exist. Israel has that right. Hamas wages an aggressive war against Israel in denial of that right. This must be pointed out again and again, without them doing so being persecuted.

I, for my part, wholly support Israels right to exist and to defend itself. IDF thus must be supported in its present defense of Israel against those who seek to destroy it.


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28 svar på ”Kol Hakavod Le’Tzahal!”
  1. Hello lennart,
    Do not be discouraged and do not give up.
    The Swedish governement, your employer, should not let a manager terrorizing his subordinates. It is illegal, immoral and antidemocratic.

    I will happily write to the employment authority if I have the email or website.

    I hope this farce will end up reinstating you back. Good luck.


  2. I can not understand the point in ”telling ” the israel paper about what happend? what are you looking for? pitey? well i pitey you?!!! for beying such an idiot to belive that israel actually cares about you and your pithatic story, grow up man.

  3. Hamas inte gick till val i Gaza med löfte fred. De gick till val med löfte om krig och utplånande av FN’s medlemsland Israel. De fick majoritet i ”fria” val. Att de slaktade sina politiska motståndare struntade terroristernas apologeter i. En demokrati skulle gå i graven och det hägrade en ny Holocaust. Antisemitisk vänster dreglade av lycka. De inte räknade med att andra sida ska försvara sig, helt enligt folkrätten. Historien känner till flera fall när befolkningen i fria val valde fel och deras liv blev en katastrof. Jag bara hoppas att araberna i Gaza inte ska vänta på möjlighet att ändra sitt beslut lika långt som folk i vissa europeiska länder.

  4. I congratulate you and support you.

    May the anti-Israeli of the Migration Board be condemned.

    Cheers from Paris.

  5. Shalom and thank you so much for having the necessary courage one seems to require these days just to say what is right and just.

    I hope you pursue the legal option until you are reinstated in your job and receive a nice compensation for the wrong doing which happened to you.

  6. Stackars lille moderat då! Du ska se att dina kontakter snart fixat ett nytt kneg åt dig.

    Sättet du fick gå på var vedervärdigt, men jag kan ändå inte förmå mig att tycka synd om någon som försöker framställa Israel som någon sorts underdog i det här.

    Bedrövlig människosyn är vad du lider av.

  7. Well, you have my support for having the (laudable) courage of your moral convictions. Don’t let the bastards get you down.


  8. Dear Lennart, Ironically, most national laws & agencies in Europe, includ. in Sweden were relaxed or set up as a result of the world’s failure to open their gates & save the Jews from the Nazis thru. immigration in WW2. Now the same agencies – like your own in Sweden, serve to assist Muslim anti-Semites, & to spread anti-Jewish/anti-Israeli hate propaganda in Europe! I admire your courage & hope you’ll win your strugle against evil! I wish you all the best – H. Farber, Israel

  9. [Denne kommentators kommentar på denna blogg den 14 januari 2009: ”Nej jag anser inte att Israel har rätt att existera.” /Sapere Aude]

    Israel löser FN-problemet:

    Israels massmord har försinkats genom att FN envisas med att fördela de förnödenheter som de lyckas få in i Gaza till araberna som Israel tänkt svälta ihjäl.
    För att inga misstag ska kunna ske har FN gett Israel exakta koordinater och uppgifter om alla deras byggnader i Gaza. Israel valde därför att bomba UNWRA:s högkvarter. Man använde fosoforbomber mot en verkstad med lastbilar och bränsle samt mot förrådsbyggnaden med förnödenheter. Detta för att undvika att döda FN-personal men ändå se till att inga förnödenheter kommer till araberna.
    Anledningen till att man använde fosforbomber är för att dessa inte kan släckas med FN-personalens skumsläckare.

  10. It is horrible that you have been fired, just for expressing your support, but THANK YOU for being a brave person and standing up for what is right. I wish you the best of luck in getting a BETTER job, and hopefully you will have the last laugh on your ex-employers. What they did to you was hateful, but nothing surprising for the enablers of the terrorists, and is certainly one of the reasons Hamas, Hizbollah etc. have flourished; too many ”useful idiots” in the world, the U.S. and Europe sending billions to the Palestinians for ”aid” and giving them a shield for their misbehaviors and murderous intents.

    Kol Hakavod to YOU!

  11. How very, very sad! You have the support of all who believe in democracy and free speech.

  12. Wow, you are truly brave and as an Israeli I salute you!

    I wish you lots of luck. I’m sure you could come to Israel as a political refugee if need be. 😀

  13. Wishing you the best of luck in your fight for justice. Keep up the pressure on your employer by publicizing your fight!


  14. Vill bara informera om att din forna arbetsgivare idag på verksnätet hävdar att det är DU som ”hävdar” att du fått kicken på grund av din blogg. Vidare att det inte alls var anledningen till att du fick kicken. Det fanns nämligen andra skäl. Vilka anges fortfarande inte (det är alltså bättre att säga att man är en myndighet som kickar folk av grumliga och oklara orsaker som den anställde får veta än att säga att det är olämpligt att vara sionist), men i alla fall. Vidare får vi säga vad vi vill, och har alltid fått göra det. Säger Ribbenvik.

    Se till att få den där fina artikeln (som fö ingår i ersättningen av personaltidningen, en nätbaserad Pravda i artikelform) utskriven. Rama in den, och hoppa av lycka att du kommit härifrån.

    Oförfalskad historieförfalskning i nutid.

  15. Hej Lennart!

    Jag har också läst artikeln om dig i Maariv, och således hamnat jag här inne 😀 Det måste vara mängd av mail du fick av israeler de senaste dagarna sedan artikeln publicerades eller hur? Den innehål ju din webadress.

    Bara låt oss inte glömma att palestinierna är också människor med lika värde. Det är bara någras fundementalista tro som är ond.

    Den här föreläsningen tycker jag du kommer att uppskata som intressant, ta 60 min av din tid för att lyssna på denna kvinna tala om sina upplevelser som kristen i Lebanon och om radikal islam:

  16. Hi gnerat! (did i spell it right?)
    My name is kobi and i’m from israel. I read the interview with you today in ’Maariv’ newspaper, I thought it was great and i’m sorry for what you went through in your workplace. I think it is a shame that a country doesnt defend her citizens Freedom of speech, And i wish win this! In israel, with all her troubles and wars, we still try to keep the Freedom of speech right. For instance, We let people inside israel to express their opinions and never shutting them down, There are several rallies that oppose the war in israeli cities and people were saying really bad things and even holding ”the enemy’s” flag, but we allowed them to, because we are a democracy and you should be able to express yourself as much as you want as long as it does not hurt physically in other people.
    I loved to see that someone in sweden is really look for the truth here and understanding that the western world, and especially western values are at risk these days, when the immigration of muslims is growing and spreading around europe. I heard that there are Sharia laws (muslims rules) in Great britian now, and that frightens me. I reccomend you to see the movie ”Fitnah” Made by a dutch parlament guy, And the movie ”The third jihad” that was made by a muslim who understand the problems with radical islam. I thank you again for you efforts! Thanks alot and keep up your fight for free speech and free world!

    In regards,

  17. Happily, even the largely comatose Swedes have begun to notice. The spectacle of the last few days, with leading Social Democrat politicians, including party leader Mona Sahlin (popularly nicknamed Mona Muslim for her abject appeasement to islamofascism) marching under the banners of Hamas and Hezbollah, smiling and currying favor with the hordes of mideast ”refugees” that demand death to Jews in the name of Allah, may have been glossed over by a largely Marxist mainstream media, but Swedes, unused to see scenes that look like something from Iraq or Pakistan happening in their own country are shaken. In workplaces, at daycare centers, at lunch dispensaries, people confide with each other and wonder how this could possibly have happened in this country.

  18. [Denne kommentators kommentar på denna blogg den 14 januari 2009: ”Nej jag anser inte att Israel har rätt att existera.” /Sapere Aude]

    Har du plockat detta direkt från Mein Kampf och bara ändrat namnen?

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