Så lyder rubriken på nedan inbäddade film. Jag vet inte om det är så, men uppenbarligen går det inte att i FN ”ostraffat” kritisera diktaturer och terroristorganisationer som ”hatar judar” i alla fall. Se här:

Den som lade upp denna film på YouTube (den 23 december 2007) kommenterade som följer:

It is OK for muslim-countries to brutalize their inhabitants. But if jews just does a little thing, to defend themselves, then the UN is on the war-path.

Why is it that Saudi Arabia time and time again can brutalize its people. Sending a woman to prison for being raped. Killing men for being gay and killing a man for practasing witchcraft?
How come that Egypt can prosecute its christian and coptic inhabitants, but the UN says nothing?
Why is it that Iran can brutalize women rights, kill people just for being gay?
Why is there no sanctions against them?

Because they are not jewish!

Anything Israel does ends in sanctions against the jewish country. Only because they are jewish.

The UN is a pro-islamic and Pro-Nazi organisation.

Ja, vad ska man säga? För ögonblicket låter jag för egen del filmen tala sitt tydliga språk.


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