Jonathan Leman bloggar om Aftonbladets översättning till engelska av Donald Boströms artikel där anklagelser om organstöld framfördes.

Leman ger två exempel på hur den antisemitiska/israelkritiska tendensen i artikeln tonas ned i Aftonbladets översättning.

Jag lägger här in en kommentar till Lemans bloggning, där diskrepanserna framgår (och hoppas att varken Leman eller den anonyme/a kommentatorn misstycker):

Swedish evening newspaper Aftonbladet has chosen to translate the text by Boström into english, but crucial parts of the more problematic sections of the text have been ”lost in translation”.

Boström/Aftonbladet have chosen to put emphasis on the fact that the american case deals with rabbis, i.e. american jews, in the swedish version of the text, printed in Aftonbladet. In the english translation, the ethnic/religious aspect is not mentioned. The word “rabbi” is a strong indication of ethnicity/religion, and has been removed.

”Tio dagar senare, i slutet på juli i år arresterades Rosenbaum i samband med att en stor korruptionshärva avslöjades i New Jersey: rabbiner, folkvalda och betrodda tjänstemän hade i åratal sysslat med pengatvätt och illegal organhandel, vilket nu rullades upp likt ett Sopranos nätverk.”

In word-to-word english: ”Ten days later, in the end of July this year, Rosenbaum was arrested when a large case of corruption was revealed in New Jersey: rabbis,.. etcetera”

In the english version written by Aftonbladet: ”Ten days later, at the end of July this year, Rosenbaum was arrested and a vast, Sopranos-like, imbroglio of money-laundering and illegal organ-trade was revealed.”

There are also other cases of Aftonbladet trying to avoid their allegations of “murder”, by simply removing the phrase “before they were killed”.

”Men starka misstankar finns också hos palestinier att deras unga män har fångats in, och som i Kina och Pakistan ofrivilligt fått agera organreserv innan de dödats.”

In word-to-word english: “But there are also strong suspicions amongst the palestinians that their young men have been captured, and as in China and Pakistan, involontarily have been used as organ reserves before being killed.”

In the Aftonbladet version: ”But Palestinians also harbor strong suspicions against Israel for seizing young men and having them serve as the country’s organ reserve – a very serious accusation, with enough question marks to motivate the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to start an investigation about possible war crimes.

It seems as if Aftonbladet have been making an effort to tone down the antisemitic message that is contained in the original swedish text, but really they fail despite their efforts. Both the fact that the case involves jews and that these jews are accused of murder is hinted also in the english version.

Aftonbladets översättning finns här; Boströms artikel här.

Eftersom Aftonbladet stämts på 7,5 miljoner dollar i en domstol i New York, är det kanske dags för lite ytterligare glidningar. Att Aftonbladet redan förut befann sig på hal is, ja det bloggade jag om här.

Aftonbladet tycks inför ”the english-speaking world”, eller i vart fall inför Manhattan Supreme Court inte våga stå för Boströms ord, alltså. Fegt, Aftonbladet!

Länkar: Ilya Meyer.


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