Det framgår här och här. Den israeliske premiärministern Netanyahu säger följaktligen att ”If Hamas joins the Palestinian government we will not hold negotiations with the Palestinian Authority”. Hamas-ledaren Khaled Mashaal, som fegt nog gömmer sig i Syrien, säger för sin del, att

Palestinian factions had agreed to a political program to which Hamas would adhere, albeit with amendments. The program includes the creation of an independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The right of return for refugees must be guaranteed, and Hamas should not be asked to recognize Israel, Mashaal said.

Ingen chans att Hamas skulle erkänna Israel, alltså. En palestinsk stat vid sidan av Israel skulle inte förändra deras synsätt. För Hamas är ju en islamonazistisk terrororganisation vars enda syfte är att genom angreppskrig utplåna Israel. En palestinsk stat vid sidan av Israel skulle endast utgöra ett steg framåt för att uppfylla deras syfte. Ingen tvåstatslösning där, alltså.

Men om Hamas, som otvivelaktigt har som syfte att utplåna Israel, får bli medlem i PLO: Hur ska vi därefter se på PLO, som ju är en organisation som redan innehåller t.ex. al-Fatah och PFLP vilka är organisationer som också vill utplåna Israel?

Kontentan blir att PLO därmed i ännu högre utsträckning än hittills bevisar sig vara en organisation som egentligen vill utplåna Israel. Kontentan blir att den PLO:are eller företrädare för den Palestinska Myndigheten som påstår något annat i ännu högre utsträckning än hittills uppenbarligen inte är trovärdig.

Kontentan blir att erkännandet av en palestinsk ”stat” blir ännu mer omöjligt, inte minst som FN-medlem. För enligt FN-stadgan ska stater vara ”goda grannar”. Men om den palestinska ”statens” flesta och främsta företrädare vill utplåna staten Israel och alltså definitivt inte vara en god granne med Israel, då är själva den ”statens” existens ett uppenbart brott mot FN-stadgan.

En stat vars enda syfte är att utplåna en annan stat kan icke få förekomma.

Uppdatering 2011-12-29: Hamas (Mashaal) och Fatah (Abbas) möttes i Kairo den 22 december. Här följer en sammanfattning av resultaten. Det är tänkt att inte bara Hamas utan även Islamiska Jihad ska bli medlem i PLO:

The most important achievement of the current round of talks was the establishment of a ”interim leadership.” In the coming months Fatah and Hamas are supposed to continue trying to bridge the gaps between them. The following are on the agenda:

The Inclusion of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the PLO

The interim leadership decided to appoint a committee to examine a way to reform the PLO to make it possible for Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to join. It will be headed by Salim al-Zaanoun, chairman of the Palestinian National Council, and include representatives from all the Palestinian organizations. Its first meeting will be held on January 15, 2012 (Hamas’ Palestine-info website, December 22, 2011).

Ismail Haniya, head of the de-facto Hamas administration, said that Hamas would join the PLO only after the elections to the Palestinian National Council were held and based on its strategy, seek common areas of action to promote the national goals, which would enable the movement to join the other organizations (Hamas’ Palestine-info website, December 23, 2011). Ismail Radwan, an important figure in Hamas, said that Hamas and all the other Palestinian organizations would join the PLO only after the reform, but agreed that Hamas and the PIJ would join the PLO’s interim leadership (AP, December 22, 2011).

The Issue of the ”Resistance” [i.e., the path of terrorism]

According to Palestinian sources, at the meeting in Egypt the PLO leadership, in collaboration with Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, determined that the so-called ”resistance” in all its forms was the legitimate ”right” of the Palestinian people, but that for the present it would be limited to a ”peaceful resistance” in accordance with the international conditions current at this time (Al-Quds Al-Arabi, December 24, 2011).

However, Hamas spokesmen continue to make it clear that the movement has no intention of abandoning the ”resistance.” For example, interviewed by Al-Jazeera TV, Khaled Mashaal said that all forms of ”resistance,” especially armed ”resistance,” were the Palestinians’ ”right,” although during the ”Arab spring,” ”popular resistance” was preferable. (Al-Jazeera TV, December 26, 2011). Salah Bardawil, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, also stressed that Hamas refused to recognize the State of Israel and would adhere to the option of ”resistance” until the so-called Israeli ”occupation” had been removed from the soil of Palestine ( website, December 25, 2011).

The Issues of Recognition of Israel and the Borders of the Palestinian State

According to Khaled Mashaal, despite the differences of opinion between Fatah and Hamas, they had the common goal of the establishment of a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders (AP, December 24, 201). In other statements, however, Hamas spokesmen make it clear that the movement’s final goal was the so-called ”liberation” of all ”Palestine” from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river. So far, neither Hamas nor Fatah has raised the issue of the PLO’s recognition of the State of Israel, claiming that at this stage the construction of the new state has priority over its policies (Al-Quds TV, December 23, 2011).


Länkar: Ynet 1, Ynet 2, MXp återger Hamas’ Haniyeh som säger att Palestina är landet ”från havet till floden”, Israel i Sverige, Världen Idag.

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