Det framgår här.

Man kan då bland annat läsa att målet för undervisningen skall vara att förstå ”varför världen hatar judar”.

I klass fem skall man lära sig att ”The final and inexorable outcome shall be the victory of the Muslims over the Jews”. Dvs. ”Muslimernas seger över judarna kommer att bli det slutgiltiga och obevekliga resultatet”.

Och hur ska man då tolka detta? Antisemitism? Antisionism? Mycket talar för det. Har svenska biståndsmedel används för att producera sådan antisemitism och antisionism? Sverige är ju ändå den tredje största bidragsgivaren till ”Palestina”.


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4 svar på ”Innehållet i palestinska skolböcker: antisemitism”
  1. Tyvärr gäller detta även i Pakistan:

    Pakistan: Do school texts fuel bias?

    ”My 7-year-old came home from school one day insisting that Indians are our natural-born enemies, that Muslims are good, and Hindus are evil,” the widely traveled journalist recalls. ”He asked about the relative strength of our air forces and insisted we would win if it came to war.

    ”It was only when I asked him whether my Indian friends … were also bad,” he adds, ”that he began to realize that things weren’t quite so simple.”

    Public schools, though long neglected, are still responsible for educating the vast majority of schoolchildren. Some 57 percent of boys and 44 percent of girls enroll in primary school, and about 46 percent of boys and 32 percent of girls reach high school.

    All public schools must follow the government curriculum – one that critics say is inadequate at best, harmful at worst.

    According to Pervez Hoodbhoy, a physics professor at Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, the ”Islamizing” of Pakistan’s schools began in 1976 under the rule of the former dictator, the general Zia ul-Haq.

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